Many women today are claiming that they have absolute rights over their own bodies. In the United States, this is why the Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that their anti-abortion laws were unconstitutional. The Court ruled that it violated the woman's right to privacy in her womb. What can you say about this decision?
This decision refuses to acknowledge the existence of a person until he is born. It contradicts prior Supreme Court decisions on such issues as "inheritance rights," and it runs counter to the overwhelming evidence of biology.
What exactly was the decision of the US Supreme Court?
In the case of ROE vs. WADE, the Court issued its infamous decision on January 22, 1973.
The Court ruled that during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of pregnancy, States CANNOT PROHIBIT voluntary abortions ("abortions on demand"). The Court further said that the decision should be left to the woman and her doctor.
During the REMAINING SIX MONTHS of pregnancy, States MAY REGULATE abortion procedures in ways reasonably related to maternal health.
During the FINAL TEN WEEKS of pregnancy, States MAY PROHIBIT abortion, except where doctors find that the pregnancy endangers the mother's life.
What were the consequences of this decision of the US Supreme Court?
The decision of the US Supreme Court opened the floodgates of abortion in the United States.
Surveys conducted by the Planned Parenthood Federation revealed that in 1972, before the ROE vs. WADE decision, there were 586,000 abortions. After the decision, this rose 27% in 1973, to 745,400; and another 20% increase in 1974, to 900,000. Abortion had become the most common surgical procedure in the US, with tonsillectomy a distant second. Current figures place abortions in the US at 2,000,000 per year.
If the woman has her basic rights, and the unborn child's right to life is also recognized, would this not result in a conflict of right?
The conflict is only apparent. It is easily resolved by applying the principle which says that:
"When two rights come in conflict, the more basic right and/or the right concerning the graver matter takes precedence over rights involving less basic or less serious matter."35
Does the woman really have the right to abort the baby in her womb?
It is clear that the right to life is more basic than the right to privacy. Therefore, since removal of the fetus would most certainly result in a violation of its right to life, woman has no right to evict the temporary resident of her private womb.
Do you agree that women wire are with child should be respected in a special way, and are subjects of special rights over other persons because of her pregnancy?
Yes. They are entitled to special rights by reason of their pregnancy. Among other things, she has the right to adequate pregnancy counseling, doctor's support, and assurance of help and special treatment from the community. Above all, she has the right to be respected for the simple reason of having chosen to bear new life. It is very important to bear in mind that the primordial rights of the unborn can be protected when and only when the rights of the woman with child are respected. This is because the rights of mother and unborn child are, by nature, intimately intertwined.